Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Top 5 hotel considerations for business travellers

     1. Service
Great service should be the norm rather than the exception. Take a mental note of how they treat you right from the time you check in. Did they have your reservation? Was your room ready, clean and to your specifications? If you raise a complaint do they address it graciously, immediately or are they defensive. This should give you a pretty good indication of whether you are getting your money’s worth.

2. Traffic
This should determine the proximity of your work place to the hotel.  In Nairobi for instance traffic tends to peak at 7:30 am, 1:00 pm and 4:30 pm. An early morning 8:00 am meeting, may require you to leave the hotel at 7:00 am. If you happen to be right next to your office building, then walking to and from work would be the best option.

3. Internet Connection Speeds
These tend to vary from location to location. Knowing what to expect before hand will make organizing your work schedule much easier; especially if you desire to work in the evening from the comfort of your hotel room.

4. Frequent Guest Discounts
A majority of hotels have membership programmes which you can register for, and have access to numerous discounts from their various outlets. Like frequent flyer miles, these benefits come in handy later on.

5. Excursions
The thing about travelling is that you get to visit some pretty incredible places. It is easy to get caught up in work that you forget to take a break. Here is where the concierge desk comes in. They can recommend a safari, to popular tourist attractions based on how much free time you have.